Thursday, May 21, 2009

American Idol

Since I have spent the better part of Tuesday and Wednesday nights glued to the TV, I thought I would share my ramblings about American Idol.

1. I am very happy with the results. I thought Adam looked ridiculous all evening. Kris seems to be such a nice, humble guy and I am glad "the underdog" won! Not to mention he is just so cute and adorable!

2. I would have liked the final more if it had been Danny and Kris as the top two.

3. No way, no how should they have let bikini girl up there or let Kara open her 'dress'.

4. The thing with Tantiana (or however her name is spelled) was just way too staged.

5. KISS is old...good thing they wear so much makeup!

6. Cyndi Lauper should have worn more makeup.

7. Simon showed no class when they announced Kris as the winner.

8. People who keep saying Adam got 'robbed' should have voted more and/or accept defeat gracefully.

9. I was very thankful for my unlimited AT&T texting!

10. I wonder what I am going do on Tuesday and Wednesday nights now?? Maybe get a real life?! LOL

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