Friday, February 27, 2009


We are finally all feeling better. Although Z has to stay on his meds another week. I hate staph infections. It is leaving scars on his legs.

Last night, my baby read her optimism speech at the board of education. She didn't win district, but that is okay. I was very proud of her for winning her school. She was one of two 7th graders there ~ all the others were in 8th grade. It was a very good experience for her.

Today E has cheerleading tryouts. I think I may more nervous than she is. I'll definitely be praying at 4:00 today.

So, this is what I have been doing this week. Painting and redoing E's room. So different from the white walls with purple and pink Hello Kitty. But, I really, really like this color. Next, we are doing lime green trim and adding white shelving all around the top of the room. We are also getting her a white chest to put her tv and dvd player on. I also covered her lamp shade.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Spring...please come soon

We are all still sick. E is feeling better from the strep (the rapid strep came back negative but the one they sent off came back positive), but now has a cold. Z has a staph infection on his leg (assuming he got it wrestling) and is on antibiotics and a strong cream, plus has to use this special wash on his leg 3 times a day. He got a shot too which he said HURT. And he has a stuffed up nose and cough. C is starting to show signs of a cold. I spent my Monday bleaching everything in this house. I am ready for spring and opened windows ~ but no tornadoes thank you very much.

On the plus side, yesterday while I was in Walmart getting Z's meds, I found all sorts of cute marked down Valentine's stuff that I just had to have! A heart wreath for $1.25, picture frames for E for a dollar, little candle holders for 50 cents. It was a good bargain day!

Today, I finally feel good enough to actually cook something I can taste. I am thinking garlic chicken and potatoes. And maybe a dessert...something with cream cheese since I have some in the fridge.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


E is sick. I took her to her doctor and she is on a antibiotic and predisone and her inhaler again. I am sick. I think it is just a bad cold. The phone man says he is starting to feel bad. Valentines Day here is a bust. I think supper will be a dose of cold medicine.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Letter N

Lou Ann at was challenged to come up with ten things she loved starting with the letter J. She did a great job! My challenge is to come up with 10 things I love starting with the letter N.

1. Nighttime...especially if it is a clear night and I can see the stars!

2. Nuts. I love mixed nuts, but I don't like the Brazil nuts, so I throw them away.

3. Not working full time. I love being home with my kids when they get out of school.

4. Naps on Sunday afternoons with the phone man.

5. Nests...of the bird variety. We have a bird that always builds a nest in our maple tree every spring. It is comforting to see it every year.

6. Necklaces ~ I have a turtle necklace that I just love! It was dirt cheap and I get so many compliments on it!

7. Nail polish...on my toes! Love my summer pedicures!

8. New Testament ~ it tells of the love of My Savior Jesus!

9. National Anthem ~ I can't hear it without tearing up. I am strange that way.

10. Needlework. I used to cross stitch a lot. Haven't done it in a while though.

This was fun! If you want to play along, let me know and I'll assign you a letter too!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

School dance

Last night E went to her middle school Valentine's Dance. She says the dance was lame. Maybe because her parents chaperoned? LOL

She wanted fake nails...we did the press on nails. She wanted her hair done. We compromised and I spent 2 hours and a can of Got 2 b Glued hairspray curling her straight hair.


We have had gorgeous weather today. Makes me want summertime and flip flops! The phone man took Z to play a little tennis...he starts tennis practice tomorrow. I have to take him to get a physical in the morning. Somehow he 'missed' the one the school does.
I baked cupcakes today for Z. Since wrestling season is over, he can eat again!

Friday, February 6, 2009

kids, facebook

My baby got her glasses. I took her yesterday to pick them up. I think they look really good. She says they feel great!

Z has a wrestling match in Dade County (2 hours away). We'll check E out of school at 2:00 and drive up. Next week tennis starts. And the week after that E has cheerleading tryouts for next year. Busy as usual!

I joined Facebook this week. Several of my high school friends have been after me to join, so I took the plunge. And C told me to "not even think about being his friend because I am OLD". I am going to remember that next time he wants to borrow money! I can't really figure it out, so I am just playing with it. I refuse to ask my darling firstborn any questions!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

kids, cooking

Another busy week.
Weekend: Saturday, E had an out of town basketball game and afterwards we went shopping. Sunday we hooked the new tv up so we could watch the Superbowl. I still haven't found a table that I am crazy about, so it is sitting on the old entertainment center. Such a lovely look! If my home state teams aren't playing, I don't really care about the outcome, but C was really rooting for the Steelers. He wasn't disappointed! It was a good game! I loved the Bridgestone commerical with Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head, the Budweisser one with the circus, and the Doritos one with the snow globe. Z and the phone man liked the one with the moose head.

Monday: Z and E had eye appts. Z's vision is perfect. E has to get glasses to see the board. She was less than thrilled. The doc told her she only has to wear them to see the boards at school or if she is watching a movie. She picked out cute purple frames. She had a playoff basketball game to cheer at that evening. Last one for the girl's team ~ they lost.

Tuesday: The phone man and I had eye appts. My vision hadn't changed, so I kept my same reading glasses. Hubby got new glasses to wear at night. He has this weird condition that keeps night light from reflecting or something. It is complicated to me. Z had a wrestling match and E was supposed to cheer at the boys' basketball game, but decided she wanted to to the wrestling match instead. The boys lost too, so cheering basketball is over until next year.

Today, I am hanging around the house. I am defrosting some cooked chicken to make chicken and noodles for supper. It is cold and windy, so that will hit the spot. I came upon this 'recipe' quite by accident. I was making homemade chicken noodle soup and let the liquid evaporate. The kids told me they like this better. It is comfort food at its best! I think I'll put the Kitchenaid to work too and make C some chocolate white chip cookies.