Thursday, February 19, 2009

Spring...please come soon

We are all still sick. E is feeling better from the strep (the rapid strep came back negative but the one they sent off came back positive), but now has a cold. Z has a staph infection on his leg (assuming he got it wrestling) and is on antibiotics and a strong cream, plus has to use this special wash on his leg 3 times a day. He got a shot too which he said HURT. And he has a stuffed up nose and cough. C is starting to show signs of a cold. I spent my Monday bleaching everything in this house. I am ready for spring and opened windows ~ but no tornadoes thank you very much.

On the plus side, yesterday while I was in Walmart getting Z's meds, I found all sorts of cute marked down Valentine's stuff that I just had to have! A heart wreath for $1.25, picture frames for E for a dollar, little candle holders for 50 cents. It was a good bargain day!

Today, I finally feel good enough to actually cook something I can taste. I am thinking garlic chicken and potatoes. And maybe a dessert...something with cream cheese since I have some in the fridge.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

About the afghan, I KNOW. Isn't it weird! When you sent out a picture a while back of the one you had made I saved it so I could show you the one I made and how they are JUST alike.