Friday, January 16, 2009

Baby It's Cold Outside!

It is a brisk 10 degrees outside ~ with a wind advisory until noon. And it is not supposed to get get above freezing today. Did someone forget I live in the deep south? A place of heat and humidity. A place where I do not need to own a jacket or coat. Did someone forget that? Luckily, Z and E do not have any after school activities going on today. Z was especially glad to not have to run today. C doesn't have classes today either so I am glad he is not having to walk across campus in this cold.

I am spending today inside. I will continue to work on E's room so we can get it ready to paint. It is a bittersweet moment. We are totally redoing her room to make it more of a teenagers room. No more Hello Kitty. No more rainbows. No more pink fluff. She boxed up so many things that defined her being a little girl. Bittersweet. I know she is growing up, but she'll always be my baby.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

You can send that cold here. It's 31 here but with the weekend coming I wouldn't mind being stuck in the house with the cold :-). I'd make a big pot of chili and kick up the heat.