Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Yesterday, it rained all day...and by rain, I mean 5" in about 5 hours. I think we broke a record. My poor dog was afraid to go out.

16 or so months ago, we were worried we would run out of water ~ our state was in a severe drought. We were praying for rain. Prayers were answered and we did not run out water, and it has been damp/wet ever since. Now I am praying for sunshine. Sometimes, I can't be satisfied.

Z had a wrestling match after school and E had her all star cheerleading team practice. I took E to Meema and Grandpa's so they could take her to practice and I went to the wrestling match. E's practice got canceled. She practices in a metal gym. It was a good call. Back to the wrestling match...We had to evacuate the gym for a tornado warning. C wrestled 5 years, and this is Z's 5th year wrestling. I have spent a lot of time in a gym with stinky guys. And I have washed a lot of smelly guy things. I have never had to evacuate a gym before. The one time I forget my camera...Anyway, after an hour sitting in the hall of the school, they let us continue the match. I would like to say our team won, but I would be lying.


Rachel said...

Glad to hear yall are getting the much needed rain. Rich was just commenting the other day it has been wet for a month or longer here!

Tornadoes (wind) are my BIGGEST fear.

I love blogs with pictures. I really need a new camera.

ShellinPz said...

Hi Kelly! Guess where y'all's rain went? That's OK - we're so dry down here we need it. Love the blog! You'll have fun with it. Hope y'all had a great new year celebration - hug everyone for me!
Love - Chris

Rachel said...

HOpe the weather gets better. Rain is good.. bad weather is not fun!

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by I know what you mean about the rain we had about three inches in our basement. Yuck! Cute blog I will be back!

Vicki said...

We got all the rain, too, but thankfully not the bad weather. The sun has been shining for two days but we still have water standing in our yard. The culvert (the one Kinley went through) is not draining right. Thank God it was 8 months ago!!