Saturday, January 17, 2009


E had a basketball game this morning...or I should say she cheered at a basketball game. She has never played, but she enjoys cheering her friends on. The girls played a team that is undefeated. They've already played them once and lost, but this time they got beat reallybad. I mean really, really bad. 53 points bad. Now my question is: Why would a coach do that? These girls are 11, 12, 13 years old. There is no logical reason to run the score up that much. He kept at least 3 starters in the whole game. Even when our coach put in the younger girls, he kept his 3 year starters in. What was he trying to prove? And Why? Our coach cried. I hope the other coach is able to sleep well tonight. Let me just say, the sun doesn't always shine on the same sleeping dog, so when it is his turn to have someone else run the score up, he shouldn't complain. Oh, and our boys won by 5 points in a very close, competitive game.

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