Thursday, January 22, 2009


This week is crazy. Z has had wrestling practice everyday. E had a private tumbling lesson on Monday, cheerleading practice on Wednesday and she is cheering two basketball games this afternoon. I only see C in the mornings for about 15 minutes before he leaves for school, and then about 30 minutes in the afternoon before he goes to work.

I went to the grocery store after dropping the kids off at school. I am shocked at the price of groceries! And I use coupons and comparison shop too! We used to eat out 3-4 times a week. I was also shocked at our credit card bill last month and saw how much we spent eating out. Granted, we did go to Gatlinburg, but still, it was ridiculous how much we spent on eating out. So, we are eating at home and I am looking for easy, economical recipes. The phone man has high BP, so I am looking for heart healthy recipes too. Today, I have a batch of chex mix in the oven (figure the kidlets can snack on that instead of cookies) and I am using my friend Rachel's recipe to make some homemade gatorade type drink mix. E made homemade brownies last night. From scratch. We are usually so busy, I buy the premade ones at Sams or we use a box mix. These are good, but a little more cake like than we like. Anyone have a good brownie recipe to share?


Unknown said...

We eat out way too much too! Good luck on the brownie recipe I not much of a baker.

Rachel said...

I will share!

I am still looking for a brownie mix that is not too cake-like.

WE LOVE chex mix :)