Monday, January 5, 2009

Taxi, taxi

Last day of winter break...and I have spent it playing taxi with the kids. E spent the night with a friend last night, so I picked up her and the friend and took them to the mall. Z went too and got a haircut. The referee at his last match told him he had to have a haircut before he could wrestle again. We grabbed some lunch while we were out and then came home for a few minutes before I took Z to the high school for wrestling practice. E's friend has basketball practice at 5:00, so I will drop her off at the middle school when I pick Z up. E has a tumbling lesson at 8:00.

I do love carting my kids and their friends around though! I get to overhear the best conversations and get a glimpse of my kids' lives outside of home.

I have mixed feelings about winter break being over...I love the laid back feeling of not having a real schedule, but I know the kids are getting bored. I also need to get a few things done and it is harder when everyone is here.

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